Decency within Stillness
Becoming a person of decency means that we also need to take regular time to pause and reflect upon our life. This practice of reflection is also known as Sabbath. By taking time out of our life to spend in personal reflection we can obtain a deeper understanding and insight into the calling that has been placed upon us to live our life to create impact.
What is Sabbath?
Sabbath is not just a time in which we do nothing, it is best practiced by taking time for personal reflection and inventory of our life. Sabbath is most meaningful when we allow ourselves to not have any of the interruptions of life to intrude upon this time. Sabbath is a time where we engage our minds and spirit to receive discernment. Allowing the Spirit to speak into our lives is what enables us to obtain a clarity of purpose for the direction we are to move. Obtaining clarity in our spirit is what attracts whereas lack of clarity only creates confusion.
The time spent in Sabbath needs to intentional. Being still and allowing the Spirit to speak enables us to understand the purpose of our calling while providing a time to obtain deeper clarity. The Spirit is best heard by the stillness of life. When we allow the business of life to overtake us, we can confuse the direction that life wants us to move and the direction we are being called to move by the Spirit.
Be Still
To practice a true Sabbath, we need to turn off life for a moment and allow the Spirit to be heard. The Spirit is always prepared to speak, we just need to give the Spirit the time that it deserves. Stillness requires discipline, focus and intentionality. When all 3 of these are applied, we are ready to listen and let the Spirit speak.
Decency is obtained when we understand with clarity through the Spirit the direction we are to move in our life. When we are in tune with the Spirit, we are guided into that which will provide the deeper impact into this life.